Install for Neovim with Nix
Supported operating systems:
1. Install prerequisites
In order to install quick-lint-js' Nix package, you must first install Nix or NixOS.
Install and configure one of the following Neovim plugins:
- ALE - Asynchronous Lint Engine v2.1.1 or newer, or version v3.0.0 or newer
- coc.nvim - Conquer of Completion v0.0.80 or newer
- nvim-lspconfig (requires Neovim 0.5.0 or newer)
2. Install quick-lint-js
Open a terminal, and run the following command:
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.quick-lint-js
If the above command fails with “error: attribute 'quick-lint-js' in selection path 'nixpkgs.quick-lint-js' not found”, your Nixpkgs is out of date. Either update Nixpkgs, or install from quick-lint-js' repository instead:
nix-env -f https://c.quick-lint-js.com/releases/3.2.0/source/quick-lint-js-3.2.0.tar.gz -iA quick-lint-js
3. Install Neovim plugin
Install this plugin with your favorite Neovim packaging system:
Choose a Neovim package manager above to get started!
Install as a Neovim package
This option requires Neovim 0.5.0 or newer.
- Download the quick-lint-js Neovim plugin.
Create the directory
. -
Copy the extracted
directory into the~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/external/start/
directory. - Restart Neovim.
Install with dein.vim
This option requires dein.vim.
Add the following line to your
file betweencall dein#begin(...)
andcall dein#end()
:call dein#add('quick-lint/quick-lint-js', {'rtp': 'plugin/vim/quick-lint-js.vim', 'rev': '3.2.0'})
- Restart Neovim.
- In Neovim, run
:call dein#install()
Install with packer.nvim
This option requires packer.nvim.
Add the following line to your
file betweenrequire('packer').startup(function()
:use {'quick-lint/quick-lint-js', rtp = 'plugin/vim/quick-lint-js.vim', tag = '3.2.0', opt = true}
- Restart Neovim.
- In Neovim, run
Install with Vim-Plug
This option requires Vim-Plug.
Add the following line to your
file betweencall plug#begin(...)
andcall plug#end()
:Plug 'quick-lint/quick-lint-js', {'rtp': 'plugin/vim/quick-lint-js.vim', 'tag': '3.2.0'}
- Restart Neovim.
- In Neovim, run
4. Configure
Configure the Neovim plugin by opening Neovim and running :help quick-lint-js, or read the Neovim plugin docs online.
nvim-lspconfig users can add this line to their init.lua
require('lspconfig/quick_lint_js').setup {}