Configuring the Emacs plugin
After installing the Emacs plugin for quick-lint-js, you need to configure it.
Choose the plugin you want to use with quick-lint-js:
In your
init file
(e.g. ~/.emacs
), load the
(require 'eglot-quicklintjs)
TODO: TypeScript support
To speed up JavaScript linting, configure Eglot to send changes to quick-lint-js immediately without delay by adding the following to your init file:
(defun my-eglot-quicklintjs-setup ()
"Configure eglot-quicklintjs for better experience."
;; Optional: Remove the time to wait after last change before automatically
;; checking buffer. The default is 0.5 (500ms)
(setq-local eglot-send-changes-idle-time 0)
;; Optional: Make Eglot run automatically when `js-mode' is loaded
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook #'my-eglot-quicklintjs-setup)
In your
init file
(e.g. ~/.emacs
), load the
library and enable Flycheck for
JavaScript buffers:
(require 'flycheck-quicklintjs)
(defun my-flycheck-quicklintjs-setup ()
"Configure flycheck-quicklintjs for better experience."
;; Enable Flycheck
(unless (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)
;; Use quick-lint-js by default when in 'js-mode`
(flycheck-select-checker 'javascript-quicklintjs)
;; Optional: Remove any delay after a change in buffer to run checkers.
;; The default is 0.5 (500ms)
(setq-local flycheck-idle-change-delay 0)
;; Optional: Run quick-lint-js program when the buffer is changed and when
;; 'js-mode` is loaded
(setq-local flycheck-check-syntax-automatically '(mode-enabled idle-change new-line)))
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook #'my-flycheck-quicklintjs-setup)
TODO: TypeScript support
In your
init file
(e.g. ~/.emacs
), load the
library and enable Flymake for
JavaScript and TypeScript buffers:
(require 'flymake-quicklintjs)
(defun my-flymake-quicklintjs-setup ()
"Configure flymake-quicklintjs for better experience."
;; Enable Flymake
(unless (bound-and-true-p flymake-mode)
(add-hook 'flymake-diagnostic-functions #'flymake-quicklintjs nil t)
;; Optional: Remove the time to wait after last change before automatically
;; checking buffer. The default is 0.5 (500ms)
(setq-local flymake-no-changes-timeout 0))
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook #'my-flymake-quicklintjs-setup)
(add-hook 'typescript-mode-hook #'my-flymake-quicklintjs-setup)
LSP Mode
In your
init file
(e.g. ~/.emacs
), load the
(require 'lsp-quicklintjs)
TODO: TypeScript support
Then, open a JavaScript buffer and type M-x lsp RET.
To speed up JavaScript linting, configure LSP Mode to send changes to quick-lint-js immediately without delay by adding the following to your init file:
(defun my-lsp-quicklintjs-setup ()
"Configure lsp-quicklintjs for better experience."
;; Optional: Remove the time to wait after last change before automatically
;; checking buffer. The default is 0.5 (500ms)
(setq-local lsp-idle-delay 0))
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook #'my-lsp-quicklintjs-setup)