
Find bugs in JavaScript programs.

Install CLI and LSP server with npm

Supported operating systems:

quick-lint-js has an npm package, making it easy to install the CLI in your JavaScript project.

In order to install quick-lint-js' npm package, you must first install either the npm client or yarn.

There are two ways to install quick-lint-js: within a project, or globally.

Install within project

Install quick-lint-js within a project so anyone can use it when hacking on your project:

 GNU/Linux and  macOS with npm

npm install quick-lint-js --save-dev --save-exact
node_modules/.bin/quick-lint-js --help

 GNU/Linux and  macOS with yarn

yarn add quick-lint-js --dev --exact
node_modules/.bin/quick-lint-js --help

 Windows with npm

npm install quick-lint-js --save-dev --save-exact
node_modules\.bin\quick-lint-js.cmd --help

 Windows with yarn

yarn add quick-lint-js --dev --exact
node_modules\.bin\quick-lint-js.cmd --help

Install globally

Install quick-lint-js globally (on your machine) for use anywhere:

 GNU/Linux and  macOS

sudo npm install --global --unsafe-perm quick-lint-js
quick-lint-js --help


npm install --global quick-lint-js
quick-lint-js.cmd --help