
Find bugs in JavaScript programs.

E0082: assigning to 'async' in a for-of loop requires parentheses

If a variable is named async, it is a syntax error to assign to that variable in a for-of loop:

async function awaitSequentially(asyncs) {
  let results = [];
  let async;
  for (async of asyncs) {
    results.push(await async);
  return results;

To fix this error, declare the variable inside the for-of loop:

async function awaitSequentially(asyncs) {
  let results = [];
  for (let async of asyncs) {
    results.push(await async);
  return results;

Alternatively, rename the variable to something other than async:

async function awaitSequentially(promises) {
  let results = [];
  let promise;
  for (promise of promises) {
    results.push(await promise);
  return results;

Introduced in quick-lint-js version 0.2.0.

Documentation for other errors