
Find bugs in JavaScript programs.

E0021: invalid lone literal in object literal

An object literal entry must either be a key: value pair, a method, or variable short-hand. It is an error to use the short-hand syntax with anything except a variable name:

// A tasty enum
const FRUITS = {

// Pre-computed for speed
let smallPrimes = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};

To fix this error, either use the key: value pair syntax, or use [ ] to create an array literal instead of an object literal:

// A tasty enum
const FRUITS = {

// Pre-computed for speed
let smallPrimes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19];

Introduced in quick-lint-js version 0.2.0.

Documentation for other errors